¿Qué es una metafoto? Buena pregunta. Desde este tiempo y este espacio transcurridos puedo explicarlo así: Imágenes que, aunque tengan valor por sí solas, en combinación adquieren nuevos significados. Seguramente un poco de la herencia que deja el cómic en mi trabajo.
En un molde de agujeros rectangulares (o cuadrados) voy vaciando las fotos recientes que me gustan. Las acomodo, las manipulo un poco, las reordeno hasta el cansancio... Al principio esta serie constaba de 16 imágenes. Poco a poco fui desnudando el número hasta que quedaron sólo cuatro. Dejé trabajar los hilos invisibles del inconsciente: en el fondo, deseaba transmitir sin demasiadas elaboraciones la Morelia de marzo y abril. Al final, ahora, reviso los significados ocultos en lo involuntario.
-El clima y el cielo (me gusta!)
-El folclor (por todos sus poros... y más viviendo en el Centro de la ciudad)
-La realidad (ahí está, no te hagas)
-La transición (mi lema, mi oxígeno; veáse la foto 1 y la foto 4).
Las diagonales... ¡qué haríamos sin ellas! Meta foto nomás.
ReplyDeleteTemas interesantes. Mis favoritos: los dos primeros...
ReplyDeleteSaludos Sr. Betteo
Hi! Mexico is indeed a beautiful country in many places.God our Creator has made a beautiful Creation.The only thing that isnt beautiful is the sinfulness of peoples hearts not only in Mexico but throughout the world.Sin is what causes this uglyness in ways such as murders,greed,the love of money,hate,thefts,adulteries,and unbelief in our Creator God.Indeed the love of money is the root of all evil.This is why people sell drugs,have prostitution,murdur for money,ets. This is not good or beautiful.But God has a better way since we are all sinners and come short of his glory he wants to change our sinful hearts and lives through repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.He came into the world to save sinners.He was born of a virgin,lived a sinless life,and died for all our sins on the cross,shedding his sinless blood as the one sacrafice for sins forever 2000 years ago.He is also the only mediator between God and men,the man Christ Jesus.He was buried,and rose from the dead,was seen of men,and went back up to heaven.For by grace are ye saved through faith,and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God,not of works,lest any man should boast.Look to him alone for salvation both now and in heaven forever someday at death or when he comes back for his own children,the saved.Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved,and thy house.(Acts 16:31).In the Authorized King James Holy Bible,the preserved word of God.For furthur information ,www.TheGospelHour.org or www.swordoftheLord.com ,Thank You,very much,Sincerely;
ReplyDeletePues si se antoja ir a Morelia, con realidad y todo. Entre tus fotos (estas y anteriores) y los dibujos de Adriano: destino prioritario ahora que regrese a la Madre Patria
Jaz,I cannot read much espanol but you are very welcome for what was written! The Santa Biblia says freely ye have received,freely give.All people indeed need the Lord and he loves them all as we see in Jesus Christos dying for sinners on the cross. You are very welcome and tell others of your faith in him alone for salvation and what he has done for you.Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature,he said.He is coming back for his own children that have put their full faith in him alone for salvation.God bless you,as you look and serve him till he comes.For more information on my church www.AntrimFaithBaptistChurch and www.fellowshiptractleague.com or www.pgm.org And Thanks so much for your reply it was a real blessing to me and please pray for me to get work.I was layed off and this is how I got into doing this at the library in giving out Gods word. Thank You!
ReplyDeleteMe ha gustado el concepto de 'metafoto', no lo conocía. Creo que voy a ponerme a practicarlo un día de estos a ver que sale.